Thursday, July 4, 2013

Mainardi: tuteleremo public health - Courier Alps

Alessia Forzin Into Into Belluno, Mainardi ensures that “the project will be assessed with the utmost care” and that “the opinion of this committee are always aimed at protecting public health.”

Into The Environment Ministry had asked Terna some additions to the project, and the company has until July 14 to present them. At the end of this month, together with the comments of citizens and municipalities (for example that of Belluno), will be on the table of the instructor, who will evaluate them to make a decision. Will most likely be made a visit to the places affected by the passage of the power line.

Into The inclusion of Mainardi (which since 2008 is part of the Committee on Via Nazionale) in the working group on this delicate project will have an even clearer picture of the issue and a further guarantee that in the end you will look for the best solution both from the environmental point of view that the public health.

Architect, what does he do in committee Way?

Into ‘Since the last two or three years I have specific responsibilities in the evaluation of master Italian airport even though, as is required by the curricula, we have the technical and scientific knowledge on the various types of impacts and alterations of artificial interventions on the natural and then the consequences on human factors. “

Why was sought integration into the group instructor contact person for the project Terna?

Into “The Committee shall evaluate the works and infrastructures throughout Italy. When there are interventions provided about places where an expert personal knowledge, we are usually asked for a collaboration. “

What is the task of the expert group to which it belongs?

Into “We simply assess whether the infrastructure determines whether or not the perturbations qualitative or quantitative, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent, single or cumulative with the natural environment and if there are consequences even minimal safety for health public. “

So in the case of the power line is evaluated the environmental issues related to the electro-smog.

Into “Of course. And I assure you that our opinions are always aimed at protecting public health. There are certain rules of law that, in the case of transmission lines such as this, provide for minimum distances from urban buildings and minimum heights from the ground, depending on the voltage levels provided in electrical power lines. Therefore, the analysis and assessment of the compatibility of our opinions always override any possible adverse effect on the environment and any possible effect of electromagnetic radiation potentially harmful to health. I know the controls on magnetic fields through the measuring isotropic, that have consistently not, to date, a significant presence of dangerous radiation. More dangerous in my opinion is the excessive use of the phone. “

He has already had the opportunity to evaluate some of the comments on the draft of the power line that crosses the Belluno?

Into “I will, along with other experts at the end of the month. The 14 is the deadline for Terna to present additional information required by the ministry. Then we will start our work. Our opinion will come in the autumn, in October or November at the most. Shall be final, but must then be signed by the Mise. “

Into July 4, 2013

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