Thursday, July 18, 2013

Muos, National Institute of Health: "Limits to health protection ... - The Daily

Into No danger to health. According to the final report of the Higher Institute of Health, “the results of experimental measurements carried out by ISPRA” on the system’s antennas Muos of the U.S. to Niscemi (Caltanissetta) “indicate that all the limits set by Italian law on the protection of human health from electromagnetic fields are currently being met to a large extent. ”

Into The installation of satellite communications is not pleasing to residents who oppose the event and with a committee. In February, the president of Sicily, Crocetta, had blocked the work. The consultants of the town of Niscemi in recent months had denounced the dang ers of Muos: increased risk of leukemia, even and especially in children, infertility, interference with life-saving tools such as the peacemaker. But the government had declared the American base Niscemi “site of strategic interest for the military defense of” pushing the regional administration to say ready to an appeal to the Constitutional Court to say the last word on the matter . On June 20th was also organized a visit to the plant by the U.S. authorities with tense moments. On that occasion the Consul General Donald Moore had ensured that the “safety and public health are important values.”

Into On 9 July, the activists of the committee “No Muos” had obtained a first victory on the administrative front. The Tar of Palermo had rejected calls for a suspension presented with two applications of the Ministry of Defense against the Region that tended to make resume building mobile user objective system. The Tar will decide, probably in October, about the legitimacy of accomplishment. The expert appointed by the Court (for another appeal pending), Marcello D’Amore, a professor at La Sapienza University, in a report claimed that “the electromagnetic field radiated by Muos can produce biological effects on exposed persons, electromagnetic interference in electronic equipment , airport facilities and aircraft, effects on biotic communities and fauna of the site of Community importance Sughereta Niscemi. ” A miscalculation by physicist John Octting of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, “Electromagnetic waves of Muos make less bad of a microwave oven.”

Into the ISS Today the verdict: “The impact of the antennas at the station Nrtf – reads the report of 12 July that the Ansa has read – can be considered separately from that of the antennas currently in use.” According to the study “are not predictable risks due to the known effects of electromagnetic fields” and “even in the unlikely of a pointing satellite dishes at ground level, or at least in the directions of people that might be exposed to the main beam, it is believed that these risks can be considered completely negligible . “

Into With regard to the possible interference of electro-medical equipment “are not predictable particular problems associated with the operation of the antennas Muos as the levels of the electric field in the places where it is possible the presence of such equipment are less than 0.6 V / m, therefore compatible with normal levels of electromagnetic field background. ” No risk, the report continues, even for devices such as “implanted cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators.” However, the Higher Institute of Health states that “the purely theoretical assessments reported here, however, requires the need for experimental verification, following the commissioning of the system’s antennas Muos, if the latter are affectively installed. “

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