Thursday, January 16, 2014

Kissing is good for your health, better if there is passion - Tiscali Europe



A kiss a day keeps the doctor away? Maybe, in fact kissing passionately is good for health, fights menstrual pain and headaches, lowers blood pressure, improves mood and also fights cavities. To explain all the virtues of the kiss is Andréa Demirjian, author of a book on the subject.

Much better sex and more likely to be achieved, the therapy” kiss” pay. According to the expert, in fact, kiss your heartbeat and improves blood circulation thus leading to a fall in blood pressure. Also, thanks to its vasodilator effect, the kiss helps fight pain as a headache or menstrual pain.

In addition kissing increases salivation that helps fight tooth decay. It is not over, kissing Demirjian argues that circulates hormones and mood of pleasure and substances that are good for the brain and the rest of the body such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.

A German study , the author points out, shows that men who are greeted with a kiss from partner before going to work to earn more, are more productive, a sign that being kissed increases self-esteem, detects Demirjian.

And then the kiss activates a series of facial muscles which can tone the skin of the face and act as a ‘wrinkle’ natural. In short, if exercised with perseverance and passion, therapy kiss could be good for your health.

January 16, 2014

Editors Tiscali

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