Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Use: health, cranial trauma, blood for analysis to diagnosis - ANSA.it

(Reuters) – Washington, 07th JAN – U.S. scientists are studying the possibility ‘to develop a blood test that can diagnose cranial trauma suffered by athletes, hoping to get objective parameters for diagnosis that currently is only based on the description of a range of symptoms from victims.

the Scholars ‘Transational Genomic Research Institute’ of Phopenix in Arizona have followed all of last season, football players team the ‘Arizona State Sun Devils’, subjecting the team analyzed blood, urine and saliva after every game. The players wore special helmets that measure the levels of impact on the skull of any shocks during training and matches themselves.

Experts of the Institute of Phoenix aim to identify whether trauma to the head ‘leave’ traces in the body fluids. In particular, scientists are trying to identify ‘biomarkers’ that contain genetic material brain called ‘microRNA’. The hypothesis pursued by the study and ‘fragments of this material may come off and spread into the spinal fluid and blood after a head injury.

Find out which players show traces of microRNAs in the blood after the games, potra’ lead systems to protect their health. (Reuters)

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