Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Health: Experts 7 rules for skiers safer on the track - Focus

Rome, December 9 (Reuters) – Italian More and more are choosing to spend their winter holidays skiing. Skiing is good, even in the winter allows you to attend and healthy environments for physical activity. Moreover a recent study, carried out during the Italian expedition to Everest HIGHCARE, argues that women cope better than men at high altitude. But to ensure safety and well-being ‘pink’ is useful some attention. From the skin to the diet, the cycle until the belly, four experts suggest to skiers of all ages how to behave to avoid problems. And give seven tips to fit a woman.

1) Sports and premenstrual syndrome. “Practicing sports, such as skiing – explains Andrea Fiaccavento, gynecologist of Nursing Pederzoli of Peschiera del Garda (Verona) – is effective against premenstrual syndrome. The movement helps in circulating endorphins that fight pain. Sport In addition, it may be a good remedy for cramps and muscle tension, improves sleep and mood enhancement. For this reason, very active women suffer less PMS than those who lead a more sedentary lifestyle. “


however some training before embarking on the ski slopes, recommends Antonio Bortone, president of the Italian physiotherapists (Aifi). “So it is recommended that a month before starting to perform some simple exercises at home: stretching of the limbs, trunk flexion and extension, independence of load on one foot and then on another, so as to strengthen and train the muscle response ‘knee joint stress. “

2) First days of the cycle. “Skiing in the early days of the menstrual cycle has no contraindication, just depends on your physical condition – adds Fiaccavento – Attention rather intimate hygiene and to change tampons every two hours. A valid and recent alternative is the ‘soft cups’ in long life “;

3) Skin, sun and sky. “The snow reflects the rays of the sun four times more than the sand. Therefore becomes essential to a proper sunscreen, do not forget your lips – say Fiaccavento – Sufferers of sensitive skin has an increased noise before the arrival of menstruation. In this stage, therefore, it is recommended to protect more carefully. “

4) Power. “To a skier, breakfast has to be the most important meal of the day – says Giovanna Cecchetto, president of the National Association of Dietitians – must be very substantial, almost like a full meal, and contain protein-rich foods. To replenish iron Instead, you can eat red meat, oily fish, eggs, almonds, nuts, beans and lentils. Avoid salty foods and drinks that contain caffeine because they promote inflammation. “

5) Skis and pregnancy. “Skiing – says the gynecologist – is not recommended for pregnant women, especially in the last quarter. With the progress of pregnancy, in fact, the sense of balance decreases and changes the weight distribution so the sport that would normally require a good sense of balance, such as skiing, are strongly advised against. Falls are very dangerous for the baby and the expectant mother. “

6) Moms and sons on track. “The right age to put the child on skis – says Giuseppe Mele, a pediatrician and president of Paidòss (National Observatory on the health of children and adolescents) – is 4-5 years. Skiing teaches children agility The neuro-motor coordination and balance. From the point of view character teaches us to have confidence in their abilities. Besides skiing is a great sport because it is practiced in the mountains, where you can breathe clean air. “

7) Menopause skiing. “Finally – concludes Fiaccavento – exercise is a valuable ally for women in menopause, as it helps to fight and prevent disorders that characterize this particular phase of his life. If you are afraid to jump in the downhill slopes, cross-country skiing is a great alternative. “

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