Saturday, December 28, 2013

Launch of the new committee Stamina, starting from controversy -

Riparte examination of the method Stamina: Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin has composed the new scientific technical committee to respond to the rule of law meant that scientists have to say, whether the setting of the method makes sense, such start to do the testing itself. Fails to sign the measure but already ‘today, the composition has found the criticism of David Vanonni, the inventor of the method, which disputes the presence of Professor Antonio Uccelli, called’ expert part ‘, having this already’ expressed in the statements his position against the method.

Vannoni would have liked also that the group of experts had been inserted Camillo Ricordi, the researcher who works in Miami and meet ‘in the U.S. its January 15, and the neurologist Marcello Villanova . The Scientific Committee will be ‘led by a scientist of international renown, Mauro Ferrari president and CEO of Methodist Research Institute, Houston, executive vice president of the Methodist Hospital in Houston, a professor at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, President of the Alliance for NanoHealth. A name that also says the same Vannoni appreciate. But criticism also comes from one of the leading experts on stem cells in Italy, Paolo Bianco, according to which the new committee lacks representatives of patients and institutions. And ‘while waiting for the conclusion of the investigation the prosecutor of Turin Raffaele Guariniello, ends up in court on the clash between the method Stamina Lorenzin Minister and Vice President of Foundation Stamina Marino Andolina who speaks of’ advice ‘to the Minister by organized crime and a ‘conspiracy’ against Vannoni. The replica is in fact an ad lawsuit. Today, however, ‘was also the day of the families of patients who have made their voices heard, with harsh accusations to the media, guilty of having done damage by spreading the news about the affair that in their opinion, have no foundation. They responded to data on medical records, in which there have been improvements, with the images in some videos shot on the bed of their children: the children are able to move your legs and keep the head, whereas before the infusions did not succeed. Small signs that the eyes of the parents, as they themselves tell, but have ‘a value gradissimo. Celeste, a little affected by SMA, is able to ruotarsi on one side, whereas before, he could not tell. The father of the Emerald led the medical certificates on the state of her child and so ‘as he also parents of Geneva Arnieri, a three year old girl who suffers from Krabbe disease:” The feeling’ that the child is in some a more ‘sympathetic respect to the stimuli of the external world” reads a certificate of the operational structure of complex neuropsychiatry hospital Marengo in Alessandria province. All stories of suffering and hope, as, that of Daniel Tortorelli six year old who suffers from a disease unknown to most ‘but cruel, Niemann Pieck, fatal in most cases before the age of 10. And Happy Massaro, grandfather of the little Frederick, Pesaro, contends that the judge Raffaele Guariniello investigate the leak of information concerning the medical records. The neurologist says that Marcello Villanova “not having any relationship with Stamina” confirm that you have checked out another small, Sebastian, a strengthening of its muscle tone, which certified with another video.

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