Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The commissioner wrote to the health Of Mercy: "Your ... - Gonews

commissioner for health, Francesco Dei, wrote a letter addressed to the mercy of Certaldo:

In recent years, the economic picture has changed profoundly and significantly increased the demands for action by citizens. At the same time decreased the resources of local authorities which was more difficult to provide services and benefits to those in need. In our area the choice is to increase the resources available for social intervention, compared with more complex needs and problems deeper and deeper.


this crisis, if there ever was needed, that it is impossible to think only in terms of financial resources, neither the revival of old recipes we will overcome the current, enormous challenges we face.

This year, for example, there was the passage of the design of the system of social services to a wider territorial level through the Union of Municipalities, and we have worked to ensure that the House of Health to become, once completed, the new pole for the integrated supply of social services, social and health can respond to the needs of the population.

In recent years, we have strengthened the collaboration with the Mercy of Certaldo and with other organizations in the voluntary sector, and not infrequently we asked ourselves together on how to react to problems that were once unthinkable: I think the coordination for food aid to the needy, solutions for temporary emergency housing for those who find themselves homeless because they lost their jobs and can not pay the rent, the micro credit to help families and individuals through projects aimed at promoting social inclusion and the fight against poverty.

With this project, in particular, operators of Mercy busy trying to empower people assisted through a logic of exchange by which those who receive aid must demonstrate the ability to repay, the way you can, the support received even with socially useful activities. It thus will enhance the intelligence and skills of the assisted, helping him in his social rehabilitation.

So many projects, so important to the community: these are activities that remind us of what is the greatest resource, can not be measured, but more importantly, of which our country has and that should serve as a stimulus for the institutions. I refer to the ‘network’ of citizens, who through his own voluntary action and the daily commitment begins with aspects of mutuality, care for the weak and continuity in various forms on the emergency – emergency social services, on poverty and problems of a society is not always justice and solidarity.

A real wealth of human capital that counteracts the forces to the social disintegration and increasing feelings of fear and mistrust of others that thrive in difficult times. For this we can all be more confident for the future because we know we can count on you.

Source: Francesco Dei, Department of Health of the City of Certaldo

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