Sunday, December 29, 2013

Welfare, health and environment: good quality of life in 59 ... - Tiscali Europe

Against all odds, in 2013 the quality of life has improved in many areas of the country compared to a year earlier, mainly in the areas of the Centre-North awarding the prize for best in Trento and the black shirt in Crotone.

Standard good for 59 Province – To certify it is the 15th edition of ‘The survey on the quality of life in the Italian provinces’ – presented by Italy Today Seven and organized by the Department of Social Sciences and Economics, University of Rome La Sapienza – according to which the year is about to close 59 provinces out of 110 showed good or acceptable standard of living, thus reversing the 42 of 103 (this is the total number of entities in 2012) of the last edition. But most importantly, highlight the study’s authors, with one of this year’s best stores the result of five years and one of the most satisfying from the first edition of ‘survey (released this year on his birthday 15/mo).

life in large urban centers – Stable but with a worsening trend: it can be summed up as the assessment of the quality of the provinces in large urban centers. The worsening trend, the study authors report, however, does not, however, cover the territories of the province of Milan, which earns 2 positions compared to 2012 and 12 in 2010, settling in 37/ma position. Less brilliant Turin, which gives 3-position and leads to 49/mo place overall, in trouble in the provinces of Rome, which lost 2 positions, 64/ma going to occupy the position, and Naples, stable positions of the tail ( 105/ma place).

Health: Wins Pisa – Pisa regains the top spot after the second last year, followed by Milan – thanks to a flash that the traces from 11 / square but when it was sunk in 2012 – Isernia, Siena and Rome, which with the fifth recovers 3 positions: this is the first picture of the Italian provinces classified by the size of health.

Wellness: North and South split – The frontier of wellness divides the North from the center-south along an imaginary red line that runs along the ridge of the Apennines: it highlights the study on the quality of life in 2013 in the 110 Italian provinces, according to which one of the major urban centers (‘good’) palm for the standard of living if Milan wins, followed by Monza and Brianza and Varese. Male hand Venice, whose provinces continue to be present again this year at the bottom of national rankings.

Environment: Belluno in the head, Catania last – Belluno opens up the rankings on the quality environment, followed by Matera and Potenza (which last year were the 27th and ninth place) and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, also fourth in the last edition. The ranking ad hoc on Environmental Quality finds that in the leading group, there are two provinces of north-west Europe (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and La Spezia), six provinces in the north-east, against nine of the last edition (Trent and Bolzano, Belluno and Venice, Pordenone and Gorizia), three provinces of Central (Macerata, Ascoli Piceno and Rieti). Finally, there is a strong presence of the provinces of southern Italy and the islands, thirteen, including L’Aquila, Isernia and Campobasso, Salerno, Foggia, Brindisi and Barletta-Andria-Trani, Matera and Potenza, Middle Campidano, Oristano, Nuoro and Sassari. Among the provinces in the tail group, there are four provinces in the northwest, the northeast three provinces, four provinces in central Italy, eight provinces in southern Italy and the islands. Closes ranking Catania

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